Construction Administration & Specifications
INSPEC prepares specifications using a variety of master guide documents, including MasterSpec using e-specs software, SpecsIntact and other federal government master systems.
Schematic Design Phase
During this phase of the work, INSPEC can assist in preparation of preliminary project descriptions (PPD’s) based and organized around the CSI sanctioned Uniformat. Information can include narratives from other consultants as well as sustainable design goals.
Design Development Phase
During this phase of the work INSPEC can assist the design professional in developing material selections and systems criteria. The specifications are developed in outline format to complement the Design Development package and provide a basis upon which to build in the Construction Documents phase. This outline specification describes basic materials, systems, and contract requirements indicated in an abbreviated form.
Contract Document Phase
During this phase, INSPEC works closely with the project design professional in developing the technical specification to accompany the products and systems selected. INSPEC will:
Perform a “peer review” of the construction documents at 50 percent and 95 percent completion stages.
Provide a check set of specifications at 50 and 95 percent completion of Construction Documents (or as otherwise required by the client) for all technical and front-end sections.
Assist the architect in coordinating the mechanical and electrical specifications with the architectural sections and the architectural sections with the graphic documents.
Produce technical sections upon mark-up by the respective consultants of masters provided by INSPEC (where it is determined that the INSPEC master is preferred for structural, civil, and landscape portions).
At 100 percent completion of Contract Documents, print all sections, assemble, and deliver originals to the design professional. PDF files available upon request.
Performance Based Specifications
Working closely with owner’s representatives, INSPEC has a strong history in preparing performance based specifications to accompany Design-Build Proposal Requests. We are able to provide thorough and complete specifications, in performance style, allowing the design-build proposers the ability to be innovative and cost conscience as they develop construction documents and construction to meet the client’s program, budget, and timetable.
INSPEC provides technical document consulting and production services to product manufacturers and marketing representatives for a variety of documents including guide specifications, technical data sheets, CADD details, and marketing brochure design assistance. As Certified Construction Specifiers (CCS), INSPEC personnel are familiar with the needs of the Specifier and Project Architect, the information they require, and the method needed to organize and package this information in the most usable and retrievable form. Two of the most common documents produced are:
Guide Specifications
Written in the standard CSI three part format including General, Products, and Execution information about a particular manufacturer’s product in a narrow scope specification section. It can be marketed in hard as well as electronic copy, becoming a valuable (and modifiable) document that a design professional can use for a Project Manual. Editor notes are included as prompts to aid in editing.
Technical Data Sheets
Written in CSI sanctioned ten part format, this document allows the manufacturer to present technical information about their product to the design professional, and allows them to extract detailed information about a particular manufacturer’s product. This document can include photos, charts, graphs, and illustrations when appropriate. Both documents are valuable marketing tools that communicate the exact information design professionals seek when they are preparing construction documents.